António Guterres – UN Secretary General and Dr. Ian Borg – President of the Security Council (Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta) recently release the speech on the importance for being aware to this current situation of sea level rise. Actually, the risk may escalate to impact up to 900 million population to put them being refugees later once the situation to get worst. Not to mention other implications on human necessities such as water, land, food, health care, salt intrusion which to jeopardize the entire economies of agriculture, fisheries, infrastructure including transportation systems.
According to recent study, keeping the temperature warming limit at 1.5 degree as of stated in Paris protocol is a must. However, it seems not enough as the temperature will still increase sea level rise. It may even be worst once temperature’ scenario rises by 2 degrees. It will bring the level rise to be double and become a multiplier threat for the living in small island and other low lying coastal areas around the world as happened in some of places in Western Pacific, Fiji, Vanuatu the Solomon Islands, Caribbean, North Africa, and Somalia.
The other fact according to NASA, the Greenland ice is melting even faster losing 270 billion tons per year. The same happened to Mount Everest, the Himalayans have seen the melts have worsened. In coming decades, the threat will reach the Indus Ganges and Brahmaputra including Mekong Delta.
The urgent requirement now is a concrete response from the chief of states and political leaders to the fund establishment “Loss and damage funds – as agreed for the amount of 100 billion US Dollars”. This fund is to finance the support of security from poverty discrimination, grassroots resilience, and any other environmental disaster like rising sea levels in human-right framework.
This latest call from António Guterres – UN Secretary General and Dr. Ian Borg – Presidency of security council (Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta) to all member chief of states become urgent now, as the fact confirms any delay in action may result worst catastrophe and gives severe implications to the government and his people.