UN chief emphasized in his official release: Looking throughout 2024: “hope has been hard to find, wars are causing enormous pain suffering and displacement inequalities. 2024 recorded as the top 10 hottest years which has happened in the last 10 years including the climate breakdown in real time”.
Now we are officially entering 2025. UN Chief emphasizes that it has no time to lose. First, countries must put the world on a safer path by dramatically slashing emissions and supporting the transition to a renewable future which is essential and possible. Second, he stresses the hope he sees in young and old activists, humanitarian heroes, scientists, innovators including financial specialist who are now hand in hand to groundbreaking for humanity to be adopted in “the Pact for the Future’. In which is a new push to build peace through disarmament and prevention, to reform the global financial system which it supports and represents all countries to push for more opportunities for women and young people; with technologies which put people over profits and rights over runway algorithms and always to stick to the values and principles enshrined by human rights, international laws and United Nations charters.
Together, we can make 2025 a new beginning as Nations United.
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