What is ‘science is society’?
As children, we learn science through play and experimentation. The built-up understanding describes the foundation of science. It is very nature as it is part of all of us. We often talk about the science of astronomy and its impact on society. So, the understanding is well framed in science for society. But now, I would like to make the case that we should be thinking not about science for society, but rather that Science is society – that is – Science is part of the very fabric of society
In accordance with this mission, the International Science Council (ISC) advances the comprehension of science as a global public good, which is essentially related with widening the benefit in emphasizing the delivery point. Providing those scientists, acting on behalf of our collective as human beings, carry the freedom of scientific discovery also with the right responsibility measure, rigor, access to preserve the knowledge for future generations as well as to uphold ethical considerations in scientific practice.
This introduced framework is well blended to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), which encompass with targets set for 2030 for the poverty, water and sanitation to industry, infrastructure and strong institutions. Unfortunately, the progress was disrupted by the pandemic Covid-19, natural disasters and conflict which has turned out the results off track.
The concept of ‘science is society, which is an approach, where citizens are involved in everything from the design to the implementation of sustainability science solutions brings public confidence firmly back. Currently, scientific approach demonstrates the co-design between natural and social scientists, where the sectors of society to take ownership of implementation solutions. They are the be the civil society, policymakers, NGOs or others.
Actually, there is still proliferation in the access to information sources through digital technologies, including an increase in misinformation and disinformation. The only way to dis-arm ‘the mis- and dis-information’ is through making science part of the fabric of society, particularly scientists to step out of their ivory towers and work directly with the society that they are embedded in to address relevant issues. The science is a potentially esoteric as astronomy which has a role to play. They are key gateway subjects. The sky is accessible to everyone. Therefore, it is a must to work together with a vision.
The detailed framework is at:
Navigating new horizons – A global foresight report on planetary health and human wellbeing United Nations Environment Programme (2024).