Through the video footages created by Grégoire Truttmann produced by #KTO at Soeur André’s118th birthday, though she has limited vision (blind), her intellectual memory works at maximum function. She can response all questions in good with no delays. The same fact was confirmed in the testimonies both by Soeur Marie Pierre (Soeur Servante de la communauté Sainte Catherine Labouré) and the Mayor of Toulon M. Hubert Falco who has been attending Soeur André birthday every year since he sits at this post.
As quoted by #KTO at Sœur André’ 118th birthday: “J’aimais aider les autres et c’était mon bonheur! – “I loved helping others and that was my happiness!
Soeur André … as you said you were happy at the nursing home but you prefer to reunite with your grandparents and brother Andre in heaven. Now your time to depart to heaven arrives.
We join the mourning with la communauté Sainte Catherine Labouré to say goodbye … have safe journey to heaven and may you rest in love …
Sœur André’s 118th birthday is at https://youtu.be/ouADw5fafs0