UN Secretary-General, António Guterres in a video message said: the conference has taken important step towards justice.
- To welcome decision to establish “loss and damage fund” and to operationalize it in the coming period. He added: “Clearly this will not be enough, but it is a much-needed political signal to rebuild broken trust.
- Keeping 1.5-degree temperature limit.
- Making good on long-delayed promise of US$ 100 billion a year in climate finance for developing countries.
- To set pathways of Just Energy Transition Partnerships, in form of “Climate Solidarity Pact” by accelerating phasing out of coal and scaling up renewables.
- Need to massively invest in renewables and to end addiction to fossil fuels.
- Clarity and a credible roadmap to double adaptation finance.
- Climate advocates led by: front-liners, young people and civil society.
- To adapt ambitious global biodiversity framework for next decade.
Full narrative is at https://youtu.be/iz5YTbPEhpc