As described by Editor of Covering Climate Now in February 2023’ release. It is a good reflection for all of us who knows Jimmy Carter. This is certainly a nice piece dedicated to the current generation who knows him well, however it is more important to the millennial. It is intended to enable them getting the essential spectrum to understand and to join various green initiative.
As of 24 February 2023, Jimmy Carter’s family has announced: “the 98-year-old former US president (the 39th US President) has entered hospice care. Carter leaves behind a poignant reminder of two central facts about today’s climate emergency: its solutions have been around for decades, and it’s important to elect leaders who will implement them.
Jimmy Carter campaigned in 1976 as a supporter of renewable energy. As the 39th president, he installed solar panels on the roof of the White House, heralding a new era of US energy policy. But in 1980, American voters replaced Carter with Ronald Reagan, an outspoken opponent of all things environmental. Reagan ordered the panels removed; he and subsequent US presidents doubled down on fossil fuels; and today, humanity faces an unprecedented climate emergency.
As announced by #earthday.org at the release of 20 October 2022; the global organizer of Earth Day and the largest recruiter of environmental movements worldwide announced today the theme of Earth Day 2023 – “Invest in Our Planet”. Kathleen Rogers, President of Earthday.org said investing in green economy is the path to a healthy, prosperous, and equitable future. Human influence is unequivocally to blame for the warming of planet and the sad truth is some forms of climate disruption will be felt for centuries to come. However, we must collectively push away from the dirty fossil fuel economy and old technologies of centuries past – and redirect attention to creating the 21st century economy that restores the health of our planet, protect our species, and provides opportunities for all.
It has shown very clear starting 2 weeks ago that unusual climate events caused by cyclone and heavy rains hits from Vanuatu to New Zealand, Malaysia, then to California, China, Malawi and now to Mozambique. Not to count other events such as earthquake in Turkey and Syria and volcano eruption in Indonesia (Mt. Merapi). It has caused tremendous financial damage together with all other immaterial elements such as human physics and psychic and any other related community interest.
In-fact many chiefs of states have joined this initiative since several years ago. Like Indonesia’ case which is ‘food estates’ in Central Kalimantan. The initial objective is intended as solution to fulfill food scarcity by ensuring of local people first and people at neighboring provinces to have sufficient basic nutrition supplies in form of casava tablet and rice. Unfortunately, completion of this project is still far from the plan, simply caused by insufficient fund to manage this project in a holistic perspective, as well as to ensure its continuity.
Let’s join 2023 global initiative by restoring the planet for a better place to live, starting from our own home and garden; with an aim of a wise thought of reaching the aim of sufficient nutrition to all.
Related links:
Reporting on “Super Solutions” this Earth Day – https://mailchi.mp/coveringclimatenow/reporting-on-super-solutions-this-earth-day?e=e27c16261a
Earth day 2023 – https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-2023/
https://youtu.be/Zv_6jPUDAM4 – Program lumbung pangan nasional: Ribuan hektare kebun dan sawah gagal panen – BBC News Indonesia” on YouTube