He also emphasizes our planet is fast approaching tipping point that will make climate chaos irreversible; global temperature keep rising, greenhouse gas emissions keep growing. Though, the war in Ukraine and other conflicts have caused much bloodshed and violence which have had dramatic impacts all over the world. We cannot accept our attention is not focused on climate change. Climate change is on a different timeline and different scale.
Al Gore – Senior high-level climate advisor who has been along the journey from its start with his famous “An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We can Do About It” reminds again the danger of gas emission effect produced by fossil fuels which equals to 3 times of Hiroshima bombing daily which becomes a primary cause of today’ climate crisis chaotic. He agrees with UN chief’ conclusion that “we are on highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator”. UN Chief adds: “we are getting dangerously close to point of no return”. It is why he calls head of states and political leaders to avoid that dire fate and G20 countries are necessary to accelerate their transition now.
At beginning of COP 27, UN chief calls for a historic Pact between developed and emerging economies – “A Climate Solidarity Pact”. A Pact in which all countries make an extra effort to reduce emissions this decade in line with the 1.5-degree goal. A Pact in which wealthier countries and International Financial Institutions to provide universal, affordable, sustainable energy for all.
Simon Stiel, Executive Secretary COP 27 calls International Efforts to turn words into action. At this COP 27, it is important and mandatory to place women and girls in center of climate decision making and action as their empowerment leads a better governance and better outcomes. He also specifies 3 focused targets as formulated in-to action:
- To demonstrate transformation, shift to implementation by putting negotiation to concrete action. Every corner of human activity must align with Paris Agreement to limit temperature rise to 1.5% degrees. To encourage on how global financial architecture can be made in line with purpose of Paris commitment.
- To cement progress to critical work stream: mitigation, adaptation, finance and crucially loss and damage. We need to enhance finance to flow to make impact.
- To enhance delivery of transparency and accountability principles throughout the process.
At his first professional accountability review made last week; it is found out only 29 countries submitted their national plan and commitment, out of 194 parties involved. Therefore, he urges other 165 parties to finish build on theirs and to submit while still in Egypt.
Nelson Mandela says: “it always seems impossible until it is done!” However, local’ response worldwide to recent climate crises in whatever way they could showing profound the heart of implementation has been started. #TogetherForImplementation